Interprofessional Education is a member (or student) of two or more health or social care-related professions, engaged in learning with, from, and about one another. IPE is a collaborative practice between two or more health professions who study each other’s health professions and the roles of each health profession and aims to improve collaboration capabilities and the quality of health services and aims to develop knowledge, skills, and attitudes that result in the behavior and competence of an interdisciplinary team. The interprofessional team consists of members from various health professions who have specific knowledge, skills and abilities. The goal of the interprofessional team is to provide collaborative patient-centred care. Teams set common goals and use their individual expertise, working together to achieve patient-centred goals.

INFLUENCER is an activity that aims to increase and develop the knowledge of health group students regarding collaborative work in the world of health to improve health quality, as well as increase collaboration between health students as future health workers candidates for better health services by providing educational videos. The forms of activities held are webinars, air campaigns, talk shows, upgrading and advocacy.

On January 10, 2022, SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand held an IPE and IPC Upgrade in the form of providing material by MET SCOME to all members of SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand. It is hoped that it can increase members’ knowledge and understanding of IPE and IPC. Along with the upgrading, on that day an air campaign was also held by publishing infographics about Interprofessional Education through social media CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand.

On January 15, 2022, SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand held a Webinar and Talk Show. The first event was a webinar which was held by giving IPE material by speakers from ALURA, then filling out the pre-test and post-test by all participants. After that, it was continued with a talk show discussing about IPE IPC with speakers from AOMKI. This event was attended by many students from the health group.

On March 4, 2022, SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand conducted advocacy and discussions with Dr. dr Rika Susanti, Sp.FM(K) as Chair of MEU FK Unand, discussed the medical curriculum related to interprofessional education and explained the results of the IPE and IPC assessments carried out on students from other health groups.