Hello CIMSA!

Delightfully on september 19, 2020 Observer SCOME CIMSA USU held project named Get Ready With scoME or shortly called #GRWM. GRWM is one day event targeted the new students, we tried to give opportunities for new students to find out more about medical faculty of sumatera utara university, the education system, department introduction, and medical book review. Not just that we also added both talkshow and tutorial simulation sessions. Due to pandemic, GRWM held online using Zoom application. Although there is restriction to held the event offline, face to face, but that’s not decrease the essenciality and the goals of the project.

GRWM invited 11 speakers and 13 facilitators for all the sessions. GRWM started at 10 am and participated by 129 new students of Sumatera Utara University medical faculty. First of all, we absolutely didn’t forget to adding CIMSA introduction to the event. In CIMSA introduction presented by Local Coordinator CIMSA USU, Diqa Aridani Khoiri. 

Afterward the education system presented by two speakers, Supervising Council CIMSA USU 2018/2019, Shafira Khairuna and Samuel Sembiring. For detail information, in education system we talked about medical faculty lecture, tutorial class, skill laboratory, practical laboratory, examination, and block system. We added aditional information such step and process to be a doctor and Sumatera Utara University promotion.

Go to to next topic, one of the crucial part in medical faculty of USU is about quiz system. The quiz system session brought by Research Supporting Division Team CIMSA USU 2018/2019, Hanna Yolanda. In this quiz system session we talked about quiz methode, quiz pass criteria, and tips to pass the quiz. We added this topic to the event because quiz is definitely take important part in medical student learning process.

The topic followed by medical book review, who presented by Supervising Council CIMSA USU 2018/2019, Stella Junita. We as medical student already know the important of medical text book. We need to have the comparison within the books. For the example, medical student need to decide between Sobbota anatomy atlas or Netter anatomy atlas. It would be so great if you know  the good and bad of medical books, so you will choose the better depend on your needs. That’s why we added this topic to the GRWM so it would really help new student to choose the best books for their needs. Our speaker bring up comparison within anatomy, histology, physiology, parasitology, biochemistry, microbiology, pharmacology, and the other additional books.

Thereafter, GRWM held talkshow sessions. The talkshow sessions divide to three talkshow, the most outstanding student, about CIMSA, and exchange talkshow. The most outstanding talkshow who brought by Debora Natalia. The About CIMSA talkshow who brought by dr. Nadia Iftari Darwizar and dr. Andiyani Larasasri as CIMSA alumni, and Human Resources and Development Coordinator CIMSA USU 2018/2019, Ruth Siagian. The Exchange talkshow brought by Supervising Council CIMSA USU 2019/2020 also Summer School Ghent 2019 participant, Sanian Inama and IFMSA Research Exchange Participant Tunisia, Celine Augla D’Prinzessin. Of course all the talkshow sessions gone awe-inspiring for all of the listeners, and I do believe it.

Because the goals of GRWM is for educate and giving more information for new student, so in term of completing the process we held tutorial simulation. Tutorial class is discussing class that should followed by medical student. The group consisted of 1 facilitator and 10 participant for each group. We invited 13 facilitators. There were Supervicing Council CIMSA USU 2019/2020 Adrian Joshua Velaro, Sanian Inama, Shania Sondang, and Christine Natasya. Also participated, Local Coordinator CIMSA USU 2018/2019, Oriza Olanda, Treasurer CIMSA USU 2018/2019, Helena Keicya F Pasaribu, Fundraising and Merchandising Coordinator CIMSA USU 2018/2019, William Wira Wicaksana Tarigan, Research Supporting Division Team CIMSA USU 2018/2019 Damai Setiawan and Hanna Yolanda. And other CIMSA seniors who participated, Nakia Kalioriza Gurky, Celine Augla D’Prinzessin, Priscilla Wimerta and Local Officer on Medical Education CIMSA USU, Adilla Fiqria.

The Tutorial simulation focussed on what we need to do through the tutorial class such problem identify, problem analysis, hypothesis, and sum it up to learning issues. The facilitator helped the participant to solve the tutorial case. We brought COVID-19 clinical manifestation to the tutorial case so the participant easier to solve the cases due to their knowledge of COVID 19 issues. Because the event held online, so the documentation taken through mobile device such as screen shot and screen recording. The event closed by promotion of CIMSA new member registration and together photo session.