The Block Curriculum is a curriculum that emphasizes Student Centered Learning. Student Centered Learning is a learning method with student-centered characteristics. This method provides autonomy and better learning to students. In Student centered Learning, students participate in determining the input material, methods and learning time. Lecturers act as facilitators who can accept criticism and suggestions from students. Learning activities carried out at the Faculty of Medicine are mini lectures, tutorials, practicums, and clinical skills.
Undergoing a high level of education, especially at the Faculty of Medicine, will face difficulties and challenges that must be faced. The difficulty encountered is implementing a competency-based curriculum system or KBK that focuses on student centered learning. With the block system, students get material that is less in-depth, therefore they must look for learning resources through group discussions, journals, media and libraries. However, material sources are difficult to find, because of the limited number of books in the library and the information obtained on the internet is not complete enough.
Sources : Budiman, Intan Diani (0533016) (2010) Studi Deskriptif Mengenai Adversity Quotient pada Mahasiswa Fakultas Kedokteran Angkatan 2008 di Universitas “X” di Kota Bandung. Masters thesis, Universitas Kristen Maranatha.