HDN (Hari Dokter Nasional) – DOME MSCIA UB

National Doctor’s Day (HDN) is a campaign held annually by DOME MSCIA UB together with SCOME CIMSA to appreciate the services of doctors on National Doctor’s Day which is celebrated on October 24th, 2021. This year’s HDN raised the issue of the importance of implementing social accountability in medical schools. It is expected that this topic especially can provide an overview for medical students to build themselves as a prospective health worker who can solve priority health problems in the surrounding community. HDN is not just a celebration, but also as a moment to increase enthusiasm of medical students’ learnings and sense of belonging to all doctors in Indonesia, especially our lecturers at FKUB, as well as being a young generation who is persistent and intelligent so that they can help improve the quality of life of Indonesian health workers.

This year, HDN was carried out in a series of activities. On October 25th, flowers were given to the deans at FKUB as a form of appreciation to doctors for all their efforts and sacrifices during the COVID-19 pandemic and for creating the best medical education possible. Support for doctors is also done by making HDN celebration videos that were released simultaneously. This video is a form of appreciation for the enthusiasm of all stakeholders of the health system. This video summarizes all the appreciation and enthusiasm in two main topics where the doctor gave mandate to his colleagues and hope for the health system in Indonesia.On November 30th, HDN-MASKAPAI DOME Podcast entitled “Get to Know About Social Accountability in Medical School” is expected to be available. NOME’s article competition with the title “Health Indonesia Through Literacy” was also held as a medium of expression for members of MSCIA UB, especially DOME, in making articles in commemoration of National Doctor’s Day. Then one of the best articles was chosen to be published on MSCIA UB’s website and Instagram. This week, a special edition of NOME HDN written by dr. Holipah entitled “Day of Washing Hands using Soap” was published and a broadcast live on Radio Kalimaya Bhaskara Malang 102.1 FM on October 28th, 2021 was aired. The theme “Day of Washing Hands with Soap” was chosen because annually on October 20th, a campaign was held to promote handwashing behaviour for the community as an effort to reduce the “under-five mortality rate” goal and prevent diseases that have impacts on reducing the quality of human life, especially during the current COVID-19 pandemic.