National’s Doctor Day : Message for Indonesia

On 22nd of October, SCOME CIMSA got the big opportunity to have a discussion with Prof. Dr. Ilham Oetama Marsis, Sp.OG (Ketua Umum ikatan Dokter Indonesiap), in PB IDI Menteng, Jakarta.

Represeted by Teofilus Abdiel (NOME), Avinindita Nura Lestari (LO GO), Raina Syah Fanissa (VNE SCOME), Kharisna Afrida Aini (VNI SCOME), Rachmat Rizky Khomaini (CIMSA UIN), Alfa Karomah (CIMSA UIN) dan Swarnasari Nurandita Nuraisya (CIMSA UI), had a discussion about the recent condition of doctors in Indonesia in order to celebrating Hari Dokter Nasional on October 24.

SCOME CIMSA, proudly present a video of the discussion between SCOME CIMSA and The Chairman of Ikatan Dokter Indonesia, Prof. Dr. Ilham Oetama Marsis, Sp.OG in PB IDI Menteng, Jakarta.

The video can be watched at our Youtube Channel!

We hope this video will brought up benefits and spirit to all viewers!