National Doctor’s Day (HDN) is a campaign that is held annually by DOME MSCIA UB together with SCOME CIMSA to appreciate the services of a doctor on National Doctor’s Day which falls on October 24, 2020. Through this National Doctor’s Day held by SCOME, we hope that increasing our sense of belonging as medical students to all doctors in Indonesia, especially our lecturers at FKUB, as well as becoming young people with a persistent and intelligent spirit of struggle so that they can help improve the quality of Indonesian health workers in the future by producing quality students and health workers to make Indonesia be a healthier country. Therefore, HDN was held with a series of campaign activities. This year, HDN was implemented in a series of activities.
On October 24, a National Doctors Day Instagram filter campaign was conducted to provide support to doctors and health workers who are struggling against Covid-19 in health facilities. This Instagram filter is open to all medical students, especially in UB Medical Faculty and is a good platform to voice support for doctors’ struggles in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic. Support for doctors was also carried out by making a celebratory HDN video which was released simultaneously. Helping is an act that cannot be measured by numbers, values, or materials. Likewise with the enthusiasm and time given by the doctors. This video is a form of appreciation for the struggle and a collection of encouragement for all components of the health system. The limitation to meet is not an obstacle to appreciate the lecturers who also dedicate themselves to medical education during the pandemic. The appreciation given is in the form of giving flowers to the deans and doctors in FK UB. Then it was followed by an air campaign which provided education on how to become a “7 stars doctor”.
On October 25, HDN’s special Podcast entitled “Road to Become a Doctor” is expected to be a means of sharing experiences while in preclinics and clinics. The NOME article competition was also held as a medium of expression for MSCIA UB members, especially DOME in making articles to celebrate National Doctor’s Day. Then one of the best articles will be selected to be published on the website and Instagram of MSCIA UB. This week, a special NOME HDN edition was also written by dr. I Gede Made Oka Rahaditya Sp.OT with the theme “World Osteoporosis Day” and broadcast live on Radio Kalimaya Bhaskara Malang 102.1 FM on October 29, 2020. The theme “World Osteoporosis Day” was raised because 20 October each year marks a campaign to raise global awareness about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of osteoporosis. Being a doctor is noble, appreciating the services of doctors is the duty of everyone, especially us as prospective health workers