Socialization of Skill Practice and Preparation of OSCE (SOSPRO) is one of the activities of the Department of Medical Education (DOME), Medical Students Committee for International Affairs (MSCIA). This activity aims to prepare the clinical abilities of students from the Medical, Nursing, and Midwifery Study Program to face the OSCE exam. OSCE (Objective Structured Clinical Examination) is a method for examining clinical competence in an objective and structured manner with a certain time. Based on academic data through questionnaires distributed to students who did not pass the OSCE from two batches, 2018 and 2019, it was found that 80% needed OSCE and Practicum training. Therefore, SOSPRO will be held on November 7, 2020. Through this activity, it is hoped that FK UB medical students can understand the OSCE material and practice in the best way from the tutors presented.
OSCE is a problem that makes some medical students quite anxious. Especially for semester 2 medical students who just got their OSCE experience this semester. The online situation makes it more difficult for students to absorb OSCE materials optimally. More methods and interventions are needed so that students are ready to face OSCE in this semester. SOSPRO is here as a solution to this medical student anxiety. Even though it was held online, SOSPRO still received good reception and enthusiasm from students. In fact, this event was attended by 53 medical education students, 31 midwifery students, and 33 nursing science students.
SOSPRO 2020 was held online on 7 November 2020 via Zoom meeting. This event was enthusiastic. At the beginning of the agenda, participants who are students of the Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Brawijaya from the 2019 class of Medicine, Nursing, and Midwifery Study Program received materials related to the system and problems of the OSCE exam from Ingenio. Students were given tips and tricks in working on OSCE, adaptations given when done online and offline, and tips for mental preparation for OSCE. Then, participants were divided into three groups according to the study program into a breakout room. In the breakout room, the agenda was filled with materials regarding the competency standards of each profession. The material regarding SKDI was delivered by dr. Aliffa Neta Yustisiani, SKPI by Ns. Tony Suharsono S.Kep., M Kep., and SKB by Mergy Gayatri S.S.T., M.Sc. The event was continued with OSCE training which was delivered in the form of a video display by third year students and a QnA session was opened regarding the materials that had been delivered. After receiving the training, participants were faced with the theoretical OSCE exam in the form of multiple choice questions and short essays. At the end of the event, the agenda was continued with games to break the atmosphere after the exam and closed with a group photo