HDN (Hari Dokter Nasional) – SCOME CIMSA UNIMAL

National Doctors Day was first inaugurated on October 24, 1950, which coincided with the founding of the Indonesian Doctors Association (IDI).  Since 1950, National Doctor’s Day has become an important momentum in Indonesian history, especially the history of the Indonesian Doctors Association.  National Doctor’s Day is usually celebrated by health organizations to appreciate the services of doctors to the community.  CIMSA is one of the medical student organizations that participates in celebrating National Doctor’s Day, through one of the Standing Committees in it, namely the Standing Committee on Medical Education.

 SCOME CIMSA Unimal commemorates National Doctor’s Day by dividing 2 events, namely online and offline.  Where, online will be held on Sunday, October 24, 2021. While offline will be held on Friday, October 22, 2021. Then on Wednesday, October 27, 2021 we will publish a video containing our activities (HDN) offline.

 We do offline National Doctor’s Day by waiting for doctors on the Unimal Medical Faculty campus from morning to evening, then distributing flowers to doctors who have been present on the Unimal Medical Faculty campus.  After that, interviewed doctors about the hopes for doctors throughout Indonesia and hopes for all Unimal Medical Faculty students.

 Online we send a thank you card to the doctor for his services in carrying out his noble duties selflessly through the WhatsApp application.

 It is hoped that with the implementation of this series of events, the services of doctors in Indonesia can be appreciated and medical students as prospective doctors in the future will become more aware of National Doctors Day and the meanings contained in the commemoration of the day.  And finally, we would like to express our deepest gratitude to all doctors in Indonesia for their services in improving Indonesian health.