In commemoration of National Doctor’s Day and National Health Collaboration Day 2021, the Center for Indonesian Medical Student’s Activities (CIMSA) Faculty of Medicine, Syiah Kuala University (FK USK) held a Perahu Kertas activity: Celebration of National Doctor’s Day and National Health Collaboration Day consisting of pre-project training filled by Bayu Prasetya Alfandy as Trainer with the topic “Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Collaboration” and Minhatus Sa’adah as Trainer with the case “Social Accountability in Medical Schools”.
Perahu Kertas 2022 event with the topic of “Social Accountability in Medical Schools and Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Collaboration to Improve the Quality of Healthcare” was held on January 15th, 2022, in the form of talk shows, webinars, and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) with the theme “National Doctors Day and National Health Collaboration Day”. Perahu Kertas has been held with two main agendas, talk shows and webinars, and a bonus time FGD (Focus Group Discussion) for the participant to brainstorm the study cases.
The talk show focused on social accountability in medical Schools by dr. Mariatul Fadilah, MARS, Sp. KKLP, Ph.D. from the Education Division of the Indonesian Medical Council (KKI) and dr. Amanda Boy Timor Randita, M.Med.Ed as Representative of the Indonesian Young Health Professional’s Society (IYHPS). Next, the webinar and FGD (Focus Group Discussion) are lifted with a topic about the implementation of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration to improve healthcare quality. Dr. dr. Dedy Syahrizal, M.Kes presented the webinar as the Head of the Center for Collaborative Health Science Research (PRKIK).
Muhammad Isbandi Wijaya led this activity as the Master of Ceremony, and Teuku Fasya Maulana hosted the talk show as the moderator. The plan started at 09.00 WIB and was attended by 62 participants. At the talk show, the speakers discussed social accountability in health, from the principles, concepts, fundamental values to the implementation.
At the webinar, the presenters discussed the implementation of Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Collaboration to improve the quality of health services ranging from IPE, IPC, roles and responsibilities of health workers, teamwork to interprofessional communication. In the Focus Group Discussion, the facilitators help and facilitate discussion participants to solve problems and implement the principles of Interprofessional Education and Interprofessional Collaboration in these problems.
The main objective of Perahu Kertas is to increase the knowledge of medical students and the public towards social accountability in the medical field. With the implementation of Perahu Kertas 2022, SCOME CIMSA FK USK hopes that medical students understand more in interacting, communicating, and providing excellent and equitable health services to improve public welfare and health. We also hope to increase public awareness about the importance of interprofessional education and collaboration among the community health service providers to improve a comprehensive and equitable health care system.