HKKN (Hari Kolaborasi Kesehatan) – SCOME CIMSA UGM

In commemoration of National Health Collaboration Day, SCOME CIMSA UGM held an Instagram Live with “Workplace Toxicity Between Healthcare Workers” as the topic. In this Instagram Live session, we invited dr. Haryo Bismantara, MPH as the speaker and Fauziyah Elvina Putri as the moderator. This session is focused on increasing public awareness, especially medical students, regarding the negative relationships that may occur between healthcare workers. Some key points are being brought up during the session, namely the importance of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration to build a better synergy among health workers, the effect of workplace toxicity, how we tackle the problem, and how to eradicate the public stigma that only certain professions are important. In doing so, the Instagram Live session is being divided into 3 parts, specifically a brief summary and discussion about the topic previously mentioned, followed by real-life case studies and questions and answers (QnA) session, with the questions being taken from the question box that had been posted through CIMSA UGM’s Instagram story the day before the Instagram Live was held. To wrap the session, dr. Haryo left some take-home messages for the viewers, such as the fact that workplace toxicity is closely tied with the healthcare environment due to its uncertainty and heavy workload. Then, dr. Haryo mentioned that knowing how to respond to a less-than-ideal situation—in this context being the workplace toxicity—is important, since there is a chance that we might experience scenarios like these in the future. dr. Haryo also explained that we should understand the rules and boundaries between us and the people in our environment, so that we knew what to do when there are things that may be out of line. When we notice that a workplace toxicity is ongoing in our workplace environment, speaking up is important. We have the power to stand up for ourselves, either by reminding the person through personal means or alerting the faculty or authority figures in our workplace. Lastly, dr. Haryo reminded us that we are the future of Indonesia’s healthcare, therefore we also have the responsibility to stop the chain of workplace toxicity that may be occurring around us. We hope that we can increase public awareness about workplace toxicity, especially between healthcare workers, through this Instagram Live session.