MASTERPIECE (Medical Student Paper and Speech Competition) was held to be a place for medical students to increase their knowledge and skills about scientific research especially in healthy lifestyle during the pandemic. From 43 respondents on pre-activity assessment, 97.7% agreed that a healthy lifestyle on pandemic is very significant. The average assessment result is 3.6 out of 5, which means that on average the respondents are quite interested in participating in the paper, speech, and debate competitions. These data show that respondents were interested in participating in the paper, speech, and debate competitions. The goal of this project is to increase the interest and knowledge of participants about “The Important Role of Healthy Lifestyle Changes During a Pandemic” through an essay, paper, speech, and debate competition. Then, it will be measured using post-test scores of 60 after the training held on 7th January 2022. On 7th January 2022, we held training about a healthy lifestyle during pandemics delivered by Hanif Ahmad Aulia from PHL (Public Health Leader) SCOPH. After training was over, a technical meeting was held to explain the competition rules. 23rd January 2022, was held final paper competition like speech, public poster, and essay. Then on 29th January 2022, was held an elimination of debate competition and on 30th January 2022, was held final debate competition and awards. Ther are the winner of this competition: Tommy Alfie F. from UI (1st place Speech), Shakira Khansa A. K, Viona Titania R, Annisa Arina E. from UI (1st place Public Posters), Maritza Andrean from UI (1st place Essay), and Rukmanggana Satya P., I Made Tobias., and Ni Wayan C.A from UNRAM (1st place Debate Competition). After the event finished, most of the participants gave good scores to the series of MASTERPIECE events. They gave a 4.1/5 score and said that all of the series of MASTERPIECE events were impactful, educated, and motivated participants to think critically about Healthy Lifestyle during Pandemic. This statement is proven by an increase in the knowledge of the participants which can be seen in the posttest value of 83. This event was very impactful and found interesting amongst the participants.