RADIANT: The Role of Health Workers and Interprofessional Collaboration

The role of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration is crucial in various aspects of life, especially in the health sector.  In this collaboration, communication will be of the utmost importance. Lack of communication could have a serious effect on a patient’s well-being.  For instance, lack of communication causes delays in providing medication and patient diagnosis could be fatal for the patient.  Therefore, to improve healthcare itself, the interprofessional capabilities of health workers need to be improved from the earliest stage.

SCOME CIMSA UGM responds to the problem by holding RADIANT (The Role of Health Workers and Interprofessional Collaboration) to develop knowledge of Interprofessional Education and Collaboration to realize holistic care. RADIANT also celebrates National Doctor’s Day, as a health sector student and as a part of society we think that giving respect and appreciation to health workers is one of the things we can do to show our support, and this is one of the opportunities to do so. 

RADIANT activities start from pre-project training which was held on October 4, 2023, with one off CIMSA’s Medical Education Trainer, M. Akmal Fauzi, followed by a webinar which will be held online on October 8, 2023, and will be presented by dr. Widyandana, MHPE, Ph.D, Sp.M(K) and Mr. Khudazi Aulawi, S.Kep, M.Kes, MNSc, Ph.D with health sector students as the audience. The next series of activities is a ground campaign in the Faculty of Dentistry UGM and Faculty of Pharmacy UGM to raise awareness and also discuss IPE and IPC as well as the role of health workers in the community. To ensure the impact of the activity on the audience, pre-test and post-test is used as the measurement tool. The second series of activities took the form of celebrations to commemorate National Doctor’s Day and National Health Collaboration Day on October 24, 2023, which were carried out offline. SCOME CIMSA UGM volunteers gave flowers to doctors in the UGM FK-KMK environment and carried out a rainbow challenge which involved writing medical students’ future dreams and appreciation words for health workers on a banner. At the end of the series of activities, a publication will be made in the form of video documentation of the activities carried out on CIMSA UGM’s Instagram.