Feudalism, A Big Scar in Medical Education

Mengenal Konsep Feodalisme Feodalisme, yang biasanya kita kaitkan dengan sistem sosial di masa lalu, menggambarkan hubungan hierarkis yang kaku antara penguasa dan rakyat. Dalam dunia pendidikan kedokteran, konsep ini sering digunakan sebagai metafora untuk menjelaskan dinamika kekuasaan yang tidak setara. Hubungan antara senior dan junior atau dosen dan mahasiswa, seringkali membentuk hierarki yang dapat membatasi …

Naturalisasi Dokter Asing di Indonesia: Solusi atau Ancaman bagi Kesehatan Nasional?

Saat ini, berita tentang naturalisasi dokter asing sedang menjadi sorotan di Indonesia. Beragam tanggapan muncul sebagai respons hal ini, dengan beberapa pihak mendukung dan yang lain menentang kebijakan ini. Namun, sebenarnya ada apa dengan kebijakan naturalisasi dokter asing di Indonesia?  Kronologi Naturalisasi Dokter Asing di Indonesia Tahap 1: Pengumuman Kebijakan Tanggal: Selasa, 21 Mei 2024Konteks: …

Apa Kata Mereka: Baik Buruknya Perkembangan Pembelajaran Kedokteran

Sarah Aditra Izzati – Member MSCIA UB Seiring perkembangan zaman, Ilmu kedokteran pun turut berkembang secara dinamis. Secara garis besar hal ini, menimbulkan kesan yang positif. Hal tersebut ditunjukan dari perkembangan ilmu kedokteran saat ini mengalami kemajuan pesat yang ditandai dengan ditemukannya jenis-jenis penyakit tropis baru yang belum teridentifikasi sebelumnya, penemuan vaksin baru yang dapat …

RADIANT: The Role of Health Workers and Interprofessional Collaboration

The role of interprofessional education and interprofessional collaboration is crucial in various aspects of life, especially in the health sector.  In this collaboration, communication will be of the utmost importance. Lack of communication could have a serious effect on a patient’s well-being.  For instance, lack of communication causes delays in providing medication and patient diagnosis …

MASKAPAI DOME: Implementation of SPICES in The Medical Education Curriculum

MASKAPAI DOME Podcast is a podcast series produced by the Department of Medical Education MSCIA UB with the aim of providing insights into the latest health and medical education issues. In this specific episode, we delve into the Implementation of SPICES in the Medical Education Curriculum. The Implementation of SPICES serves as a response to …

IMB (Indonesian Medical Beginners) – SCOME CIMSA FK UNPAD

Indonesian Medical Beginners or IMB is a webinar event that is intended as the contribution of SCOME Cimsa FK Unpad’s members to new medical students and senior high school (SMA) in Indonesia. Indonesian Medical Beginners or IMB is one of SCOME activity that held on 18th of September 2022 via Zoom at 01.00 PM. This …

BASILISK (Basic Life Support Knowledge) – SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK UNAND

On September 28th, 2022, SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand held the 1st intervention of BASILISK 2022 including training and simulation. The training with title “Bantuan Hidup Dasar Awam” given by the expert from IDI (Ikatan Dokter Indonesia) Sumatera Barat, dr. Kino,SpJP(K), FIHA for SCOME CIMSA-BEM KM FK Unand members and cadres of BASILISK. This training …


As the new semester is coming up, freshmen are also embarking on their new journey inmedical school, considering how different college to senior high school life is. Many of themare restless because of the difference in learning methods from senior high to medicalschool. Unlike senior high schools, medical schools have different education systems. In senior …

UNITED (Understanding Digital Healthcare to Prevent Self Diagnose) – SCOME CIMSA UNS

UNITED (Understanding Digital Health Care to Prevent Self Diagnose) is an activity that was held to increase knowledge and awareness about mental health and digital healthcare. This year, UNITED raised the topic “Digital Health Care and Mental Health”. Based on the pre-assessment form of 21 respondents, it was found that 19% of respondents indicated that …